The Dos and Don’ts of Decorating with Texture

The Dos and Don’ts of Decorating with Texture

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureTexture is a great way to add some interest and personality to your home. It can make a room feel cozy, inviting, and stylish. But texture can also be tricky to use, especially if you don’t know the basic rules of decorating with it. Here are some dos and don’ts of decorating with texture that will help you create a beautiful and balanced space.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDo: Mix different types of texture. One of the easiest ways to create contrast and depth in your room is to mix different types of texture. For example, you can pair a soft velvet sofa with a rough jute rug, or a smooth leather chair with a fluffy faux fur pillow. Mixing different types of texture will make your room look more dynamic and interesting.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDon’t: Go overboard with texture. While mixing different types of texture is good, you don’t want to overwhelm your room with too much texture. Too much texture can make your room look cluttered, chaotic, and busy. A good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to three or four different types of texture per room, and balance them with some smooth and plain surfaces.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDo: Use texture to create focal points. Texture can also be used to draw attention to certain areas or features in your room. For example, you can use a textured wallpaper or a textured wall art to create a focal point on one wall, or use a textured lampshade or a textured vase to highlight a table or a shelf. Texture can also help you create a mood or a theme in your room. For example, you can use natural textures like wood, stone, or plants to create a rustic or organic vibe, or use metallic textures like gold, silver, or copper to create a glamorous or modern vibe.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDon’t: Use texture to hide flaws. Texture can also be tempting to use as a way to hide flaws or imperfections in your room. For example, you might think that using a textured rug or a textured curtain can cover up a stain or a crack on your floor or wall. However, this is not a good idea, as texture can actually draw more attention to the flaw rather than hide it. Instead of using texture to hide flaws, you should fix them properly or embrace them as part of your room’s character.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDo: Experiment with texture. The best way to find out what works for you and your room is to experiment with different textures and see how they make you feel. You can try different combinations of textures, colors, patterns, and shapes until you find the ones that suit your style and personality. You can also change up the textures according to the seasons or your mood. For example, you can use lighter and softer textures in the spring and summer, and heavier and cozier textures in the fall and winter.

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with TextureDon’t: Be afraid of texture. Texture can be intimidating at first, especially if you are used to plain and smooth surfaces. But texture can also be fun and rewarding, as it can transform your room from boring to stunning. Texture can also reflect your personal taste and creativity, as there are endless possibilities of how you can use it in your home. So don’t be afraid of texture, embrace it and enjoy it!

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating with Texture